Bot Gaiden

Indie Game: Bot Gaiden

Not for the faint of heart, Bot Gaiden is all ACTION, EXECUTION, AND SPEED. Ninja robots Robyu and Bytron race to recover the power skulls that have been stolen by each of Giorqio's 6 Hench-bots. Slicing everything in their path, they must reach their destination quickly. The Hench-bots grow stronger with time and exposure to the skulls.

The faster you go, the easier the fight. However, going faster means putting yourself in harm's way. You'll break out in a cold sweat trying to figure out the most efficient path through each stage.

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More Developer Info
SwordSwipe Studios We are three dads with day jobs and families trying to make a dream come true. We want to create colorful, imaginative experiences that can be enjoyed by kids of all ages.

Country: USA
Team Count: 3
State: Planned 2021
Platforms: PC, Consoles (TBD)
Mode: single player, couch co-op

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