Charge Kid

Indie Game: Charge Kid

Charge Kid is a game where each jump is a puzzle. You can compare it to Portal, where you have to find clever uses of the mechanics and physics to "solve" each location by reaching the desired location. You have limited resources to make each jump, comparable to Celeste. But instead of focusing on precision-platforming, the game focuses on the puzzle aspect. Unlike Celeste, the hard part is figuring out how to use your resources to make each jump instead of the execution. But don't get fooled; the execution is also hard, which means finding each solution is even harder!

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More Developer Info
Ayrton, Rafael and Vicente are students from the University of Sao Paulo and are part of USPGameDev. Charge Kid is their first commercial release.

Country: Brazil
Team Count: 3
State: Released 2020
Platforms: PC, Switch
Mode: Single Player

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