Clid the snail

Indie Game: Clid the snail

Clid the Snail is a dark fable about the feeling of not fitting in, of being an outcast. An action and adventure story, in which we playas Clid, a humanoid snail, always accompanied by his faithful companion Belu, a talkative firefly.

The protagonist will help his new companionsto stop the slugs plague that ravages his world. Meeting these characters, developing a relationship with them and discovering theirpast will be key to understand Clid’s story.

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More Developer Info
Weird Beluga Studio is a little game development team from Madrid, Spain. Formed by 5 students and friends two years ago, our goal is to make more and more games so people can enjoy them and make our dreams come true.

Country: Spain
Team Count: 5
State: Planned 2021
Platforms: PS4, PC.
Mode: Single Player

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