Lenin the Lion

Indie Game: Lenin the Lion

Lenin is an albino lion, the only one of his kind, and because of that he feels insecure and constantly discouraged. Worse, his mother does not understand why his son was born this way, and the whole village despises him and treats him cruelly. At school, he suffers bullying and can’t concentrate on class.

Now, hopeless about life, certain situations seem to awaken in Lenin something that is not of everyone’s reality, but only of his. Something he will discover to be part of something else.Besides, Lenin will find other animals species , which may help him to understand himself.However, things are getting dangerous and Lenin needs to take care with his actions (your actions). Traveling between daily life and a strange place, Lenin will have to face his inner fears and enemies – and often, the outer ones as well.

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More Developer Info
Lornyon is an indie game developer and artist from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Country: Brazil
Team Count: 1
State: Planned Released 2019
Platforms: PC, Switch
Mode: Single Player

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