Indie Game: SOLAS

At its heart, SOLAS is a beam deflection game. Rotate and reposition mirrors to connect light sources and unlock adjacent puzzles. Every pulse is moving to the beat at all times, and each puzzle is connected to the next. Explore this strange interconnected space, learn its rules, and discover the surprises that dwell within.

Rather than ordinary light beams, however, these pulses can and will collide with each other. Create new colours, deflect them in new directions, and pay attention to their timing to unlock the path to new puzzles.

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More Developer Info
Amicable Animal A one person studio — part-time lecturer, part-time games developer, full-time tea drinker. He loves combining old-school mechanics with minimalist, modern game design. SOLAS is his first commercial game.

Country: Scotland
Team Count: 3
State: Planned 2021
Platforms: PC
Mode: Single player

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