Virgo Versus The Zodiac

Indie Game: Virgo Versus The Zodiac

Dethrone the Zodiacs, revive the Golden Age and purge the Heretics that swarm the galaxy as Virgo, the queen of Purity, in this unforgiving timed actions turn-based JRPG.

The game features traditional turn-based combat with real-time execution of moves: blocking, countering and timing your attacks carefully as well as predicting your foes' moves is essential to succeed in Virgo’s twisted and unforgiving cosmic quest to bring back the Golden Age, a period of peace, symmetry and balance, or so she thinks.

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More Developer Info
Moonana is a indie game development studio created by Nana. Virgo Versus The Zodiac, a timed-actions turn-based JRPG, is Moonana's first commercial project, launched in december, 2019. Moonana's newest project is on the works, called: Keylocker | Turn Based Cyberpunk Action.

Country: Brazil
Team Count: 5
State: Released
Platforms: PC, Xbox One
Mode: Single Player

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