When the Past was Around

Indie Game: When the Past Was Around

When the Past was Around is an adventure point-and-click puzzle game about love, moving on, letting go, and the joy and pain of everything in between.

The game tells a bittersweet tale between a girl and her lover in a surreal world consisting of disjointed rooms from memories and time. With each gathered clue, solved puzzles, and unlocked door, the girl will find her way, unraveling the secrets between her and her lover, the secrets which she used to know.

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More Developer Info
Mojiken We provide happiness to our family member, to inspire people, and build a better world to live in

Toge Productions As an indie game studio Toge Productions has experienced the difficulties and hardships of creating, selling, and distributing games for years, they know how tough it can be, especially in Indonesia. With their knowledge and resources, they try to help other indie game developers in the region by creating gathering events and encouraging collaborations.

Country: Indonesia
Team Count: 5
State: Released 2020 PC
Platforms: PC released, Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Mode: Single Player

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