9 New Indie Games: January Week 5
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A small, curated collection of new and extraordinary indie games to love, all released during the fifth and final week of January, including: Skellboy, Kentucky Route Zero, The Pedestrian, and more!
A small, curated collection of new and extraordinary indie games to love, all released during the fifth and final week of January!

You can watch the full selection in the video below, and find extra details on each game individually in the video's description on YouTube over here.

Featured games: ELDERBORN | Here Be Dragons | Kentucky Route Zero TV Edition | Kofi Quest Alpha MOD | Ministry of Broadcast | Skellboy | The Coma 2 Vicious Sisters | The Pedestrian | The Supper ♥ LAFS Video
Click here to see full video.
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Take Me Away
Indie Game: Subterrain: Mines of Titan Awaken from an abandoned stasis pod and discover a doomed mining camp on Titan in an uncompromising turn-based survival RPG. Survive the evolving horrors that lurk below and craft equipment, research new gear, fight against overwhelming odds, or even discover your true fate....

Indie Game: Cursed Crew You’re the captain of a cursed ship in this crew management roguelite! Command your crew, keep the ship afloat, defeat pirates and deep-sea beasts, and sail as far as it takes to lift the curse....

Indie Game: Lil' Guardsman Imagine you're a 12 year old, suddenly in charge of the guard shed at the castle gate, where you decide if elves, goblins and 100+ other characters should be admitted. It's a wonderful combination of deduction, narrative and puzzle games....

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Take Me Away
Indie Game: Subterrain: Mines of Titan Awaken from an abandoned stasis pod and discover a doomed mining camp on Titan in an uncompromising turn-based survival RPG. Survive the evolving horrors that lurk below and craft equipment, research new gear, fight against overwhelming odds, or even discover your true fate....

Indie Game: Cursed Crew You’re the captain of a cursed ship in this crew management roguelite! Command your crew, keep the ship afloat, defeat pirates and deep-sea beasts, and sail as far as it takes to lift the curse....

Indie Game: Lil' Guardsman Imagine you're a 12 year old, suddenly in charge of the guard shed at the castle gate, where you decide if elves, goblins and 100+ other characters should be admitted. It's a wonderful combination of deduction, narrative and puzzle games....

Indie Game: Passage: A Job Interview Simulator! Navigate the corporate world with the help of your beloved roommate cat (who just so happens to be a God!) in Passage: A Job Interview Simulator! Explore multiple endings and 10+ hours of Visual Novel gameplay, answering the question: will you end up in the job of your dreams?...

To Magical Places
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