Felvidek | New Steam Release
Solo Post Indie Game: Felvidek
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"In Felvidek, a JRPG set in 15th century Slovakia, you embrace the role of an alcoholic knight Pavol. Meet diverse and interesting characters to help you drive out the Hussites and Ottomans who blight this land. Find out what unlikely events take place in this alternate history region of Slovak Highlands. This land is ravaged by Hussite pillagers and Ottoman spies while surreal horrors dwell in the dark. It's now up to Pavol, a fair knight with alcohol problems, to gather a party and stop those who oppose our kingdom.

Traverse the hand-painted world to explore castles, settlements, dungeons. Unveil secret doors and hidden passageways.
Progress the story by meeting interesting characters, whether it be Catholics, Hussites or even more sinister folk.
Fight your way through different enemies in turn-based RPG combat. Gather gear and supplies for your character."

Indie Game Lover Felvidek

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